Fall River Resource Conservation District

Burney-Hat Creek Basins Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project Monitoring
Monitoring is integral to the success of the Burney-Hat Creek Basins Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) Project. Forest Service managers and stakeholders use monitoring to measure progress toward restoration goals, objectives, and desired conditions; identify ways to improve project design and implementation; and assess the ecological impacts on resources of concern. Monitoring is also an essential tool for demonstrating and communicating successes, as well as areas in need of improvement, to stakeholders involved in the collaborative process.
In 2014, the Burney-Hat Creek multiparty monitoring working group (MMWG) set out to build upon these efforts by providing a more cohesive, overarching monitoring framework. This framework was developed by the Burney-Hat Creek MMWG over a three year period. The intent of this strategy is to provide questions that are focused, practical, and feasible to implement, and will also produce meaningful outcomes. It is our overarching goal that this strategy will be a springboard for development of collaborative monitoring partnerships, where resource specialists and stakeholders have strong ownership in the monitoring process.
Monitoring Strategy Objectives
Develop questions with measurable indicators and meaningful outcomes
Build a feasible monitoring program that can be implemented
Incorporate flexibility to adapt to new opportunities (unforeseen questions) and altered conditions (e.g. fires, drought, tree mortality)
Focus on questions that are important learning opportunities, don’t monitor just to monitor
Reduce redundancy; don’t waste time doing something that we already know the answer to another group is monitoring
Monitoring Briefs
The Effect of Forest Thinning on Pond Breeding Amphibians
Does Fire Maintain a Mosaic of Bunchgrass and Bitterbrush in a Mesic Meadow System?
Monitoring Vanilla Grass Response to Overstory Removal
Does Fire Promote Lodgepole Establishment in a Mesic Meadow System?
Monitoring Wildfire Effect, Phenology and Longevity of Baker's Globe-mallow
Wildfire Risk Within the Burney Hat-Creek Basin
Evaluating the Effects of Thinning Treatments on Forest Structure and Composition in Spotted Owl Home Range Core Areas
Evaluating the Effects of Defensible Fuel
Profile Zone Treatments on Forest Structure and Composition
Did Conifer Removal Reduce Encroaching
Juniper or Alter Understory Plant Community
Masters Theses
Susceptibility Of Headwater Catchment Hydrology To Persistent Droughts And Forest Structure Modification – A Plot To Catchment Scale Analysis, by Rowan Gaffney, Master’s Thesis, University of Nevada Reno, December 2016.
Impacts of Forest Management on Hydrologic Processes, by Theresa O’Halloan, Master’s Thesis, University of Nevada Reno, December 2018.
Impacts of Forest Thinning on Ecohydrological Processes in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum – A Plot Scale Analysis, by Benjamin Serpa, Master’s Thesis, University of Nevada Reno. August 2020.
The Effects of Nearshore Forest Thinning on Upland Habitat Use by Pond-breeding Amphibians in a Montane Coniferous Forest, by Andrew H. McIntyre, Master’s Thesis, Washington State University. May 2020.